Dear Parent,
Welcome to OpenMindz
A place where kids learn to love to express through books, drama, stories, presentations, debates, songs, poems … you name it .. we do it!
A place where both parents and children are supported by our mentors and encouraged to share their ideas and feelings in a safe environment
Open Mindz is now practising the Hand in Hand parenting approach(USA).
Club for and by children
– We study different topics practically
– Learn Problem solving
– Express through story, drama, poems, singing, debate
Ages: 3 to 16 years
Learn and grow together
– Regular: Once in a week classes for kids, who have been in the same batch for years together. Curriculum is built according to what they have assimilated in the past and they are the captains of their ships.
– Special workshops or camps: Designed for a particular task and ends with an assessment or production for the parents. Usually has a fixed number of days and is open to all kids.
– Hand in Hand parenting: When your child is stuck in difficult or unworkable behavior, and you seek a advice.It’s not always easy to find the time to attend workshops and classes. You can get personalized help right now with a confidential parent-to-parent consultation with me.
OpenMindz’s Mission
We don’t try to be the best, but the kindest. We work as a team building each other, filling each other’s hearts with happiness and in doing so filling ours too.
Our Events

What they say about us!